
LinkedIn is the symbol of the "Dead Internet"

Is the persistent decline in LinkedIn's average quality due to AI-generated content incurable?

LinkedIn has become TERRIBLE:

  • AI-generated insipid ads.
  • Half clickbait / half corporate indigent AI-generated content that seems like no human has ever reviewed it before publishing.
  • AI-generated stupid content-farm questions, answered by self-declared experts using AI to produce dull answers.
  • Impolite DM, mostly asking for your attention, time, or efforts for free, with lame AI-generated icebreakers that would have had ashamed a second grader.

This high pace degradation of the average content quality leads most of the humans still there to post:

  • Narcissists posts bragging about their new positions: “I am thrilled to announce I’m joining…”, that translates to “I’ve been fired and saved my ass last minute”
  • Pseudo-philosophical personal development memes copy-pasted over and over “Make the rest of your life the best of your life” ™ and other Deepak Chopra “Quantum BS”
  • Direct lazy reposts of conspiracy theories collected from X and TikTok, anti-vax, fake-meds, and other on-purpose approximate news reports… 

I really tried to train the LinkedIn model to better curate the content to my own interests in this platform. But contrary to X, for which my feed has improved by orders of magnitude (basically my X feed is now mostly formed of relevant content from persons I follow), my experience with LinkedIn has been a HUGE failure. 

Can LinkedIn be saved from its self-impulse to become a huge content-farm for AI LLM training?

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